Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Washington DC.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
Recognize and Remember Like Royalty Lincoln ended slavery. Martin Luther King Jr ended racism. EzPL8 ends sexism. Instead of a crude "Sir" or "Ma'am", go where everybody knows your name. EzPL8s are personalized license plates for your pocket that enable employees to recognize and remember you ...
Lifting the power of the receipt. Remember the paper receipt? Not for long. We are partnering with merchants to get your receipts sent straight to the cloud. Available when you want it, gone when you don't. You spend, we organize. You can login for intrinsic financial clarity, anywhere anytime. ...
flexReceipts enables retailers to provide digital receipts. flexReceipts enables retailers to provide digital receipts. Through it's digital receipts database, flexReceipts also offers retailers superior data analytics and a new way marketing medium (i.e. couponing/promoting on the digital receipt). flexReceipts works ...
We scan and project the latest products in 3D holographic form. 3DR Group (3D Retail Group) aims to revolutionize the way that retail organizations advertise their products and differentiate their brand in increasingly competitive markets. The problem with existing advertising channels is that they lack novelty, given the mind-blowing ...
In-Store Digitization for Clothing Retailers RunwayStop improves the in-store shopping experiences and helps people achieve their aspirational looks. The company provides tablet stands for clothing retailers that feature celebrities, models, bloggers and customers wearing items available inside of those stores. ...
Retail analytics reinvented for omnichannel commerce.
Shopping through HD video Reel Look enables consumers to browse/shop stores through HD video.
Invite-only mailing list. We search the best weekend and long-haul flight deals so you can book before everyone else.
Automated Marketing Campaign Solution RetainGO is a web-based, automated marketing campaign solution that allows you to build, manage, track and analyze (directmail, email, mobile and social) campaigns for your clients.
CART connects solution providers, retailers and brand manufacturers.